7 Ways To Thrive While Stuck At Home

Travis Nicholson
3 min readMar 17, 2020

It wasn’t that long ago when we were all celebrating the new year and dreaming about how wonderful our lives would be in 2020. Now, due to an unforeseen virus, many of our lives are upended and we are questioning if 2020 is going to be as fantastic as we hoped. Take heart, there is always a path forward. You don’t just have to settle for surviving, but you can THRIVE during this season of being “stuck at home.”

Here are 7 ways to thrive in this season:

1. Develop a routine.

If you’re used to being at school or work, then your body is used to a certain rhythm of life that is now being disrupted. Try to limit that disruption by developing a new routine of daily activities (sleep, meals, working out, etc.) Our minds and bodies operate best on routine, so try to find the best routine for yourself in this season.

2. Be thankful.

We cannot forget the power of thankfulness. No matter the circumstance, there is always something to be thankful for. Each day, take time to express gratitude by writing it down or sharing with others.

3. Face-time with friends and family.

You are probably getting less “face time” with people than usual, so it’s important to substitute that with artificial FaceTime or Zoom calls or Google Video Hangouts. We are wired to thrive in community and we shrivel in isolation. Reach out to your friends and family with this new technology and attempt to re-create human interaction as much as possible.

4. Moderate your news consumption.

Don’t get me wrong- it’s very important to stay informed and get regular updates about COVID-19 from our community and civic leaders. However, I don’t believe consuming 24/7 news will lead to a thriving soul. Sometimes news channels can heighten the emotionalism and create greater fear than is actually needed, so use discretion with how you are receiving updates.

5. Get some fresh air.

Cabin fever is the worst, so don’t forget there is still an entire world out there. Depending on your context, getting fresh air will look different, but I think everyone is still allowed to open a window! Perhaps go for a walk to breathe deep and clear your mind. Try to incorporate this into your new routine.

6. Pray and meditate.

Mother Teresa once said, “Prayer is as necessary as the air, as the blood in our bodies, as anything to keep us alive.” This is especially true in moments of difficulty. Take time every day to share your heart with God and pray for the needs of those you know and the needs around the world. For meditation, I’ve been focusing on Matthew 6:25–34, remembering the words of Jesus on anxiety so that I can be a carrier of peace and hope during this time.

7. Treat yourself.

In the midst of crises and inconveniences, it is important to remember and participate in the little joys of life. While grocery stores are out of toilet paper, there’s plenty of ice cream! Make yourself a sundae and watch a movie and relax…

Remember, you can thrive during this time. The stronger we are as individuals, the strong our communities become, and this ultimately impacts the world. Be blessed!

