4 Ways to Sustain a Move of God

Travis Nicholson
3 min readMar 3, 2023


The recent spiritual awakening at Asbury University has taken the nation by storm. Gen Z college students worshipping and praying nonstop across college campuses. On TikTok, the hashtag #asburyrevival was posted nearly 100 million times. Now, as the chapel service that started the fire comes to a close, many are asking if the revival is over.

Actually, it’s just beginning.

Four years ago, I had a prophetic dream about the 4 components of revival and I believe it’s a message for today.

Before sharing these components, I want to offer practical encouragement directly to Gen Z…

Take your passion to God’s Word. In college, I was so amped up on Jesus that I couldn’t fall asleep sometimes. I know the feeling. 15 years later, I’m still following Jesus. How? Because I took that passion and directed it towards consuming God’s word. I would constantly read scripture, take notes, asking “How can I apply this to my life?” The word of God is powerful, start reading it, sharing it and let it change your life.

Have a bias toward action. Previous generations have been too timid and calculated. There is no need. Jesus doesn’t need insurance. Just go for it. If you feel like Jesus has called you to preach, start preaching. If you feel like you should write worship songs, go for it. Don’t let youth or inexperience stop you, we mature by moving forward. It’s easier for God to direct an object in motion than to resurrect the dead!

That being said, here are the 4 components of sustaining revival….

1) Prayer

I don’t fully understand how prayer works. It’s pretty wild if you think about it — does God need us to pray? The reality is that God loves relationship — relationship with you — and it’s hard to have a relationship without some communication, amirite? Prayer acknowledges God’s power and brings us into His purposes. Just start with the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9–13) and let that lead you to pray for your family, friends, city, issues, etc.

The word “intercession” means intervening on behalf of another. Who are the “others” in your life that need Jesus? Lift up the broken, hurting and lonely. We sustain revival through prayer.

2) Fear of the Lord

Fear is a strange and misunderstood word, but when the Bible uses the word “fear of the Lord” — it’s essentially saying “get serious about God” — He has authority and rule over our lives, and that is worthy of our honor. We have to fear God in our hearts, knowing that His ways are better than our own.

The Bible says that the first church revival grew from “walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 9:31). We sustain revival through the fear of the Lord.

3) Deliverance

The ministry of Jesus is all about setting people free (Luke 4:18) and that ministry is no different today. Young people are experiencing record numbers of suicidal thoughts, depression and trauma. The Spirit of Jesus is eager to meet with people exactly where they are at, exactly where you are at. Freedom is available to all who call on Jesus.

Be delivered and pray for others to be delivered. We sustain revival through deliverance.

4) Evangelism

Are you telling people about Jesus? If revival is really stirring, we can’t help but to share the GOOD NEWS! Sharing Jesus is a natural overflow of revival.

Throughout the book of Acts, we see the church grow and gospel extend as disciples travel and share Jesus with different types of people. Don’t stick with your clique — get out of your bubble and tell others the good news! We sustain revival through evangelism.

So…. Is the revival over???

If we will live out these principles, we can sustain what God is doing in our generation. We are on the cusp. The beginning of something big, let’s not waste this moment.



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